Some of the most important work in Parliament is done in what are called committees. Committees are groups of Senators (there are also equivalents in the House) that meet regularly to investigate a particular policy area. We study new laws, hear from and question witnesses, scrutinise government spending, and investigate matters of importance to Canada. Most bills are referred to a committee between their second and third reading in the Senate, and the committee is responsible for reporting back to the Senate as a whole (you can read more about the legislative process here). At committee hearings, we call witnesses to hear their views about a bill or topic of interest and have the opportunity to question them. Consequently, committees are a principal link between the Parliamentary legislative process and the public. Any Canadian may submit a written brief to a committee. You can read more about committees here.
I am currently a member of the Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications (TRCM) and the Standing Senate Committee on National Security, Defence and Veterans Affairs (SECD). I also fill in for Progressive Senate Group colleagues on other committees on an ad-hoc basis.